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Ganglion cyst, common peroneal nerve entrapment, fibular head pain – FIXED Gonstead Chiropractic

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Patient had a Ganglion Cyst for the past 8 months on his right wrist, wrist pain, low back pain, and knee pain that radiates all the way down to the outside of his left foot which is the result of a Common Peroneal Nerve Entrapment due to significant swelling and had pain at the fibular head for the past 4 months.

A Structural Test and Gonstead Chiropractic examination was conducted and revealed structural abnormalities at the 2nd Sacral Segment which caused rotation to his knees and increased susceptibility to causing the fibula head to misalign; the 2nd Dorsal vertebra which provides both biomechanical support for the neck and nerve innervation to the wrist; right distal radius bone which provides biomechanical foundation support for the wrist — since it became misaligned, the tissues got irritated and swollen resulting in the ganglion cyst; the left proximal fibular head was significantly misaligned backwards resulting in the significant swelling, since the common peroneal nerve is so close to the surface, the swelling resulted in the common peroneal nerve to be constricted and produce the common peroneal nerve entrapment.

Correction of all 4 structures resulted in restored nerve function to the afflicted areas which in turn resolved his symptoms.

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Specific Chiropractic
120 East 56th Street, Suite 740
New York, NY 10022
email: [email protected]

Disclaimer: Results are atypical and varies from patient to patient.