Shoulder pain helped by Dr Suh Gonstead Chiropractic | Specific Chiropractic

Shoulder pain helped by Dr Suh Gonstead Chiropractic

A year ago patient had left shoulder pain then started to have right shoulder pain as well. Has difficulty carrying heavy objects or holding heavy objects.

Thorough Structural Test reveals several abnormalities at the 5th Lumbar PL-Lamina Transverse, 6th Dorsal Vertebra PL, and 1st Dorsal Vertebra PR-T which were causing decreased nerve function to both shoulder blades resulting in shoulder dysfunction.

Experience the Gonstead Difference!

Call us for an appointment at 212.486.9800

Specific Chiropractic
150 East 55th Street, 2nd Floor
New York, NY 10022
email: [email protected]

#Gonstead #ShoulderPain #DrSuh

Disclaimer: Results are atypical and varies from patient to patient.